Animal Planet: The Most Extreme Super Sharks

Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water, along came the top 10 most extreme sharks in the ocean. Some sharks are high-tech senses that makes us fell a little scared. Discover what it takes to become the most high-tech predator when sharks are taken to the Most Extreme.

The Most Extreme is a documentary television series on the American cable television network, Animal Planet. It first aired on July 7, 2002. Each episode focuses on a specific animal feature, such as strength, speed, behavior, anatomy, or diet, and examines and ranks ten animals that portray extreme or unusual examples of that quality. The rankings serve only to give a broad depiction; a scientifically rigorous procedure is not employed to quantify them.

Along with each animal on the countdown, each episode presents a computer-animated segment which compares the animal’s ability with something equivalent in humans, followed by an interview segment with people who share some common trait. For example, in “Super Sharks”, the animal ranked #1 was the Hammerhead shark, for its extreme senses of vision and smell, along with its ability to sense voltages as small as a half-billionth of a volt. This was then compared with a team of human hackers, including StankDawg, who were war-driving around a neighborhood and looking for faint wireless signals. Old, often public domain, cartoons, movie clips and trailers are often included.

Hammerhead shark–It has excellent vision, smell, and a sixth sense detecting electrical fields, pinpointing its general location in the ocean. It can also sense 1/1,000,000,000th of a volt, which is like a human sensing that a flashlight had turned on 1,000 miles (1,600 km) away. It also has a 7th sense, by seeing the invisible grid of the ocean walls, it knows its exact location in the ocean.

Great White shark–Smart, and its bite has been measured at 2,000 lbf/in².
Tiger shark–Smart and can eat things like metal.
Mako shark–Fastest shark.
Oceanic Whitetip Shark–Can smell in air and water.
Greenland shark–It survives in colder temperatures than any other shark in the world.
Ragged-Tooth Shark–Uses mirrors to help see in the dark, and can reflect 90% of all colors.
Silky shark–Hears from 1/4 of a mile away.
Angel shark–It can disguise itself by hiding under the sea bed.
Whale shark–Its mouth is a suction cup.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 002

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