Ocean Acrobats – TERRA 216-219


TERRA 216: Ocean Acrobats PART ONE
Glide along through the sparkling blue waters of the South Pacific with the ocean’s greatest performers – the Spinner dolphins. The show goes on underwater too where Spinners work together to eat, sleep, and keep each other safe from predators. Join scientists in Hawaii, Tahiti, and French Polynesia on a journey of a thousand bellyflops and learn how you can make a difference in the lives of these spectacular OCEAN ACROBATS. Part One of the Four-Part Series is brought to you by veteran filmmaker and ocean activist Hardy Jones and http://www.bluevoice.org


TERRA 217: Ocean Acrobats PART TWO
Rejoin the Spinner dolphins of the South Pacific. Meet more scientists in Hawaii, Tahiti, and French Polynesia on a journey of a thousand bellyflops and learn how you can make a difference in the lives of these spectacular OCEAN ACROBATS. Part Two of the Four-Part Series is brought to you by veteran filmmaker and ocean activist Hardy Jones and http://www.bluevoice.org.

TERRA 218: Ocean Acrobats PART THREE
Return to the sparkling blue waters of the South Pacific with scientists committed to finding out how spinner dolphins use their acrobatic prowess to communicate with one another. Head slaps, back slaps, side slaps, arcuit leaps, salmon leaps, tail-over-head leaps, and, of course, spins. Find out what this ornate body language really means – on this episode of TERRA.

 TERRA 219: Ocean Acrobats PART FOUR
In this, the final chapter of the OCEAN ACROBATS series, we are treated to rare footage of Spinner dolphins feeding at night. Though we’ve seen throughout the series how Spinners have used their social skills and unique physiology to survive the many challenges of ocean living, there is one predator they just can’t outwit or outrun. Spinner Dolphins still face the all too common threat of finding themselves caught in a fisherman’s net. Why is this happening? And what can be done? Find out, on this episode of TERRA.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 067

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