
Supervolcano is a two-part docudrama centered around the fictional eruption of the volcanic caldera of Yellowstone National Park. The name of the program, “Supervolcano”, refers to the unusually explosive nature of the Yellowstone volcano. Current research indicates that the Yellowstone supervolcano has erupted several times in the past, covering much of present-day North America with ash. Scientists predict that the supervolcano will undoubtedly erupt again, and judging from the pattern, the next eruption is actually overdue.

The program, aired on both the BBC and The Discovery Channel, intersperses a storyline about a hypothetical eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano and interviews with actual scientists. It was also accompanied by a two-part factual documentary, discussing the scientific and sociological effects that would occur during and after an actual eruption.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 091

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