Ancient World: The Bible’s Greatest Secrets – HC

In the Holy Land today dozens of specialized archaeologists and their teams diligently sift through the sands of history.

Their quest is a sizeable one: to unlock the mysteries of vanished civilizations and the people who built them. What are the origins of this special discipline known as “Biblical archaeology”? And what enthralling secrets of the scriptures have these scientists discovered? Journey through the portals of time with some of the greatest excavators in history: from the eccentric Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, who willed that his head be removed and preserved after his death, to the husband-and-wife team of Eric and Carol Meyers.

In another revolutionary program from the MYSTERIES OF THE BIBLE series, voyage with these extraordinary archaeologists as they search for crucial clues to some of history’s most enduring questions.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 114

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