Supermassive Black Hole

They’re one of the most intriguing and mysterious phenomena in the universe, places where time and space are warped to the extreme, and nothing—not even light— can escape the pull of their ferocious gravity. Black holes once defied the imagination. But now, the more scientists look for evidence of them, the more they find, and the more they learn about the role of black holes in the universe. Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity is a stunning presentation of the latest science about black holes visualized using supercomputing technology. The show whisks audiences to a place humans can never venture—to the center of a black hole.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 010

Tropical Rainforest

Though there is a great deal of research that is being conducted in the rainforests, these wild and ancient lands are not accommodating to your average tourist. Most of us have had to rely on the tenacity and bravery of others in order to learn about and see what happens in the rainforests. Tropical Rainforest is a film that will definitely make you feel as if you were in the middle of the action. Originally filmed in the IMAX format, this bold look into the daily happenings of the rainforest will thrill and educate at the same time.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 010

The Ring Of Fire – IMAX

Originally filmed in IMAX. Ring of Fire takes you heartstoppingly close to the great circle of volcanoes and seismic activity that rings the Pacific Ocean. This award winning film has been seen by millions of people at large-screen IMAX format theatres worldwide. Ring of Fire is the story of these immense volcanic forces and the half-billion people that coexist with them every day around the fiery boundary of the Pacific Rim.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 010

The Incredible Human Body

Cutting-edge medical technology and riveting, life-or-death personal dramas combine in this unprecedented, from-the-inside-out exploration of The Incredible Human Body. Marvel at the revolutionary imaging system used to guide a surgeon’s scalpel in a delicate brain-tumor operation. Witness a childless couple’s fight to beat the odds and create a new life with a micro-technological assist. See how London cabbies are sending modern brain development theories on an unexpected detour. An astonishing excursion into the living bodies of real people, right down to their stem cells, this is the extraordinary inside story of the human machine as you’ve never seen it before.

The Greatest Places

Seven amazing locations in the world –
Iguazu Falls
Okavango Delta and

By fmitchell61 Posted in 010

The Elegant Universe


The Elegant Universe: Pt 1

Einstein’s Dream: Combining the laws of the universe in one theory that explains it all is the Holy Grail of physics.
Eleven dimensions, parallel universes, and a world made out of strings? It’s not science fiction, it’s string theory.

The Elegant Universe: Pt 2

String’s the Thing: Do miniscule vibrating strands of energy hold the key to a unified theory of physics?
In the second hour of “The Elegant Universe,” a three-hour miniseries with physicist Brian Greene, delve into the nuts, bolts, and outright nuttiness of string theory.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 010

Building the Great Pyramid – BBC

For four thousand years men have marvelled at the Great Pyramid of Giza and asked two questions: how was it built and why?

To answer those questions we will travel back in time. By combining the latest archaeological research with the most up-to-date visual technology we can for the first time see the Pyramid through the eyes of the men who built it.
Not quite documentary, not quite drama, this reenactment of a fictional conscript’s life building the Great Pyramid of Giza is best described as docudrama. Omar Sharif voices the thoughts of the aged Nakht remembering the moment Egyptian soldiers drafted him into the king’s service.

The 57-minute film re-creates the boat trip up the Nile and his ascent through the ranks, from delivering water to helping haul 2.5-ton blocks up ramps for the king’s tomb. Interspersed are narrator Michael Pennington’s historical assertions, along with contrasting footage of what the pyramid looks like today.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 010

Hubble’s View of the Universe – IMAX

“StarGaze” brings the beauty and majesty of the universe to your home theater, direct from the Hubble Space Telescope. With over an hour of the most incredible images of the universe you’ll ever see, from gaseous clouds to more than 200 other astronomical objects, plus Dolby Digital and DTS surround sound music from popular new age group 2002, “StarGaze” will quickly become a favorite in your DVD collection.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 010, 131


This IMAX presentation wraps up three years of creaky grade school science in a mere half-hour. The film gorgeously envisions (although in pan-and-scan, rather than widescreen) the “voyage of the continents” from the inceptive supernova blast that created the world through the “echoes of chaos everywhere”–the birth of mankind on the planet. Genesis explores how volcanoes and earthquakes continually reshape the earth’s crust and how, just as humans shed old cells and gain new, our planet goes through through such cataclysmic events. In the search for answers to the unanswerable, Genesis peers at civilizations–such as that of the Minoans, who created the myth of the lost city of Atlantis–that have been destroyed by the “stretch marks of creation” despite their sophistication and adaptability. A dozen schools of thought merge and converge in this attempt to find answers, and the result is a mix of natural science, anthropology, wonder, and beauty that forms a fascinating, provoking look at Earth and how life fits–and resists–its scheme and grand plan. –Paula Nechak

By fmitchell61 Posted in 010

Atlantis Uncovered

Atlantis received quite a lot of attention by hunters of lost civilizations. We still don’t know weather Platos was actually referring to an actual region back then or if it was a simple metaphor, but what other evidence is out there?