Ocean Acrobats – TERRA 216-219


TERRA 216: Ocean Acrobats PART ONE
Glide along through the sparkling blue waters of the South Pacific with the ocean’s greatest performers – the Spinner dolphins. The show goes on underwater too where Spinners work together to eat, sleep, and keep each other safe from predators. Join scientists in Hawaii, Tahiti, and French Polynesia on a journey of a thousand bellyflops and learn how you can make a difference in the lives of these spectacular OCEAN ACROBATS. Part One of the Four-Part Series is brought to you by veteran filmmaker and ocean activist Hardy Jones and http://www.bluevoice.org

http://www.lifeonterra.com/episode.php?id=8 Continue reading

By fmitchell61 Posted in 067

Principles of Mosquito Warfare – TERRA 205

In a year of potentially serious outbreaks like the H5N1 strain of bird flu, scientists are speedily unravelling the mechanisms by which diseases spread. According to entomologist Dr. Greg Johnson, the sometimes fatal West Nile virus is spreading through mosquitos. But scientists like Dr. Johnson are not merely standing and watching from the sidelines. This film illustrates how the ancient rules of warfare, adapted from Sun Tzu’s 510B.C. Chinese text “The Art of War,” have very modern parallels with the techniques being used by scientists in the field trying to understand and prevent disease.



By fmitchell61 Posted in 067