Lost Treasures Of The Ancient World

The unique Lost Treasures series enables the ancient wonders of the world to be seen as never before… magically ‘restored’ to their former glory by 3D graphics and presented in a superb animated format. Our camera teams have travelled the world to gather spectacular new footage of ancient history’s greatest monuments and their surroundings, providing a fascinating link between the past and the present day. Features superb 3D graphics, State-of-the-art computer generated animation, all new location footage, and expert commentary and analyses.

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In the Shadow of Vesuvius

Since the days of the Roman Empire, Italy’s Mount Vesuvius has erupted more than 50 times, devastating whole cities and towns. At Herculaneum, archaeologists found human skeletons in a fatal embrace. Although Vesuvius is sleeping now, this active volcano is never far from the minds of the two million people who live in its shadow.



By fmitchell61 Posted in 073

Seven Wonders of the World – HC

By fmitchell61 Posted in 073

Egypt: Quest for Eternity

Documentary about ancient Egypt, its temples, paintings and art, and how these old treasures are being endangered by modern civilization. Also shown are the Nile river, the Luxor and Karnak temples, the Sphynx, the Great Pyramids of Giza, the river path to the Land of the Dead, the pharaohs and queens’ tombs, as well as egyptologysts’ interpretation of Ancient Egypt mysteries.




By fmitchell61 Posted in 073, 114

Seven Wonders Of Ancient Rome – Discovery

This program examines the construction methods used to create the seven wonders of ancient Rome, and is enriched by on-scene tours and virtual reality imagery of each site. Professor Richard Beacham, from the University of Warwick, UK; Brian Rose, from Cincinnati University; and Cambridge University professor Keith Hopkins discuss the architectural significance and physical scale of the Circus Maximus, Trajan’s Forum, Rome’s freshwater aqueducts and roadway system, the baths of Carcalla, the Pantheon, and the Colosseum in brilliant detail.


Seven Wonders Of Ancient Greece – Discovery

Travel to a land of breathtaking beauty and ancient intellect, where science, art and inspiration from the gods combined to produce some of the world’s greatest marvels of architecture and design. From prehistoric palaces to bold symbols of victory, explore the seven ancient wonders that stir spectators to this day: the Theatre of Epidaurus, the statue of Zeus at Olympia, Apollo’s Temple at Delphi, the Colossus of Rhodes, the settlement at Santorini, the Palace of Knossos and surely the greatest masterpiece of them all: the Parthenon. Learn how such impressive displays of engineering were managed in a time when technology was still in its infancy. Engineers and architectural experts detail the unique structural aspects that make each monument so “wonder-ful,” while historians describe each wonder’s powerful role in ancient Greek life.


Egypt’s New Tomb Revealed – Discovery

In February 2006 another ancient Egpytian tomb was found in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. A mere 50 feet from where Tutunkhamun’s tomb was discovered, its discovery was entirely unexpected and sent shockwaves around the scientific and archaeological world.




By fmitchell61 Posted in 073

Alexander The Great

The Battle of Gaugamela, fought between Alexander the Great and Darius III, in 331 B.C. is recreated through maps, 3-D computer animation and an in-depth re-creation of the battle. Military historians discuss the leaders’ strategies and tactics, evaluate the soldiers and their weapons and anlyze each stage of the pivotal clash of arms.



By fmitchell61 Posted in 073

Rameses Wrath of God or Man – Discovery

The astonishing truth behind the Old Testament’s Plague of the Firstborn is revealed in the landmark documentary, RAMESES: WRATH OF GOD OR MAN? Follow celebrated Egyptologist Kent Weeks into the Valley of the Kings where he uncovers what may be the skull of Rameses II’s eldest son. As forensic scientists determine its identity and the exact cause of death, the events surrounding the young Prince’s demise and the Israelites exodus from Egypt are painstakingly recreated through a stunning combination of faithful reenactments, spectacular CGI visual effects, and a breathtaking journey to the ancient sites themselves beginning at Mount Sinai and ending at the Red Sea.




Ancient Chinese Inventions

A documentary which challenges the assumption that there is something essentially Western about science and technology.

