What the Ancients Did for Us

What the Ancients Did for Us is a 2005 BBC documentary series presented by Adam Hart-Davis that examines the impact of ancient civilizations on modern society.

Step back in time to discover how the world was shaped by the ancient Chinese, the Mesopotamians, the Arabs and even the Ancient Britons. Adam Hart-Davis presents an epic history of ancient inventions and is joined by his team of roving reporters on the move around the globe as they delve into the beginnings of civilization.

What The Ancients Did For Us 1of9 – The Islamic World
What The Ancients Did For Us 2of9 – The Chinese
What The Ancients Did For Us 3of9 – The Aztecs and Incas
What The Ancients Did For Us 4of9 – The Romans
What The Ancients Did For Us 5of9 – The Indians
What The Ancients Did For Us 6of9 – The Mesopotamians
What The Ancients Did For Us 7of9 – The Egyptians
What The Ancients Did For Us 8of9 – The Greeks
What The Ancients Did For Us 9of9 – The Britons



Modern Marvels – Ancient Discoveries

Ancient Discoveries is a documentary television series that premiered on December 21, 2003, on The History Channel. The program focuses on ancient technologies. The show’s theme is that many inventions which are thought to be modern have ancient roots or in some cases may have been lost and then reinvented. The program is a follow-up to a special originally broadcast in 2005 which focused on technologies from the Ancient Roman era such as the Antikythera mechanism and inventors such as Heron of Alexandria. Episodes of the regular series have expanded to cover other areas such as Egypt, China and East Asia, and the Islamic world.

Ancient Computer?
This episode investigates the Antikythera Mechanism, a computer-like device that may have been used to calculate the movements of stars and planets. It also highlights ancient inventors Archimedes and Ctesibius.

Galen, Doctor to the Gladiators
This episode discusses ancient medical devices and procedures, and profiles the Greek physician Galen, who practiced eye and brain surgery 2,000 years ahead of his time.

Heron of Alexandria
This episode discusses Heron of Alexandria, who created automatic doors and coin-operated machines.



By fmitchell61 Posted in 074

Seven Wonders Of Ancient Egypt

Egypt is one of the earliest civilizations on Earth with over 3000 years of ancient civilization and over 2000 years of modern Egypt which is what we can see today. The civilization concentrated on the lower reaches of Nile River, which is the life force for the empire. Over 3000 years ago, the Egyptians had created ample of finest monuments the world has ever seen and till now, many hidden mysteries still laid beneath the desert of Egypt.

However, for now, the seven wonders of ancient Egypt will be uncovered to see on how astonishing these wonders of Egypt can be, which still fascinate people up until current days:

1. The Valley of the Kings
2. Temple of Queen Hatshepsut
3. Karnak Temple Complex
4. Temple of Ramesses, Abu Simbel
5. Mount Sinai
6. Great Sphinx of Giza
7. The Great Pyramid of Giza



Egypt Secrets of the Pharaohs – NG

Who built the pyramids? What were the secrets of mummification? Which treasures were selected for the afterlife and why? For centuries, Egypt’s pharaohs have kept these secrets to themselves…until now. Travel to a land of mystery and marvel as archaeologists investigate how the pyramids were actually built. Follow scientists as they re-create the ancient ritual of mummification and discover how the bodies of the pharaohs were preserved. And be there as cameras reveal the ancient underground vault that houses the mysterious ship of the Pharaoh Khufu: his magnificent vessel for eternity.




By fmitchell61 Posted in 054, 074