Hunters: The Crawling Kingdom

Take a behind-the-scenes look at the daily business of survival in the wild, where hunting is not sport but life itself. Watch as the billions of tiny arthropods ensnare their victims with sticky traps, blinding sprays, and deadly venom–all a part of Nature’s marvelous designs.


By fmitchell61 Posted in 081

Hunters: Eye of the Serpent

Take a behind-the-scenes look at the daily business of survival in the wild, where hunting is not sport but life itself. From the steamy jungles of the Amazon to the scorching deserts of the American Southwest, snakes of dozens of varieties stalk and kill their prey with an eerie efficiency that few others can match.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 081

Ultimate Guide: Dogs

At times, dogs appear to move and react like wild animals. Yet they are, by definition, domesticated. In perhaps only fourteen thousand years, humans have modified and manipulated a single species to create more than four hundred breeds. But for all their variety of appearance, all dogs are simply mutations of their closest ancestral relative… the wolf. How did the dog come to be so successfully domesticated from its wild ancestors? Dr. Rodney Honeycutt discusses the genetics of domestication and some of the special qualities of the dog, such as its phenomenal senses of hearing, smell, and taste. A survey of strange and wonderful breeds of dogs is presented, from dogs that whistle to dogs that sing, and the vulpines (foxes) which can climb trees. Also, some of the unique jobs of dogs are explored, from sniffing out termites, to herding goats and finding missing persons.


By fmitchell61 Posted in 081

The Life Of Mammals – BBC

The Life of Mammals is a nature documentary series written and presented by David Attenborough, first transmitted in the UK from 20 November 2002.

A study of the evolution and habits of the various mammal species, it was the fourth of Attenborough’s specialised surveys following his major trilogy that began with Life on Earth. Each of the ten episodes looks at one (or several closely related) mammal groups and discusses the different facets of their day-to-day existence. All the programmes are of 50 minutes’ duration except the last, which extends to 59 minutes.

The series was produced by the BBC Natural History Unit in conjunction with the Discovery Channel. The executive producer was Mike Salisbury and the music was composed by Dan Jones and Ben Salisbury. It was later shown on Animal Planet.

Part of David Attenborough’s ‘Life’ series, it was preceded by The Life of Birds (1998), and followed by Life in the Undergrowth (2005). However, in between the former and this series, David Attenborough presented State of the Planet (2000) and narrated The Blue Planet (2001).


The Blue Planet – BBC

The Blue Planet is a BBC nature documentary series narrated by David Attenborough, first transmitted in the UK from 12 September 2001.
Described as “the first ever comprehensive series on the natural history of the world’s oceans”, each of the eight 50-minute episodes examines a different aspect of marine life. The underwater photography included creatures and behaviour that had previously never been filmed.
The series won multiple Emmy and BAFTA TV awards for its music and cinematography.

1. The Blue Planet
2. The Deep
3. Open Ocean
4. Frozen Seas
5. Seasonal Seas
6. Coral Seas
7. Tidal Seas (not downloaded)
8. Coasts (not downloaded)

By fmitchell61 Posted in 080, 081