Secrets Of The Viking Warriors

This documentary explains and shows the history of the viking warriors, how they excelled in battle, styles, there weaponry as such also showing the story of were and how far they conquested. Includes re-enactments, interviews with historians, and just an overview on how the Vikings grew, succeeded, and how they ceased to be.

Raiders By Design
They were once the most feared men in europe, an unstopable band of rutheless warriors.. Vikings. For 1200 years the vikings have been famed for their bloodlust, their barbarism, their prowess in war. But how much of the image is actually true? New research now shows that theres more to the vikings that meets the eye.

Scientists and archaeologists are now begining to discover how the Vikings used ground-breaking technology, to conduct long range seabourne raids. How the Vikings applied skills long since forgotten, to the making of weapons and how the Vikings geared-up to fight a new kind of war. By recreating hardware and know how thats been around for centries, Scientists aim to reveal the secrets of the vikings.

Victims of Success
They began as sea borne raiders, inspired by a pagan mythology but their ambition soon turned to conquest. They became invaders, settlers, builders of great fortresses and cities. They grew rich on the manufacture and trade, hourding so much treasure they had to bury it. They ended as pioneers, there navigational skills pushing them to the edge of the world. They were the Vikings.

In the 9th century AD, the vikings rapidly extended their spear of influence across the globe, from Asia to the fringes of North America. But within two centuries the Vikings would find themselves consigned to the back pages of history. Their unique achievement blunted by the very success, they had craved. How could they rise so fast? yet fade so quickly, And what secrets are behind Viking decline.


The BBC/OU Leonardo series is the life story of the famous and mysterious genius, Leonardo da Vinci. The programmes use his original writings, expert analysis, drama and builds some of his machines to bring the man and his dreams to life.

The Man Who Wanted to Know Everything
The life of da Vinci from his illegitimate birth to the unveiling of The Last Supper.

Dangerous Liaisons
Leonardo pursues his obsession with flight, and begins a rivalry with Michelangelo.

The Secret Life of the Mona Lisa
Alan Yentob tells the story of the most famous work of art in the world – the Mona Lisa.


By fmitchell61 Posted in 088

French Revolution

On July 14, 1789, a mob of angry Parisians stormed the Bastille and seized the King’s military stores. A decade of idealism, war, murder, and carnage followed, bringing about the end of feudalism and the rise of equality and a new world order. The French Revolution is a definitive feature-length documentary that encapsulates this heady (and often headless) period in Western civilization.

With dramatic reenactments, illustrations, and paintings from the era, plus revealing accounts from journals and expert commentary from historians, The French Revolution vividly unfurls in a maelstrom of violence, discontent, and fundamental change. King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Maximilien Robespierre, and Napoleon Bonaparte.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 088

Seven Wonders of the Industrial World: The Line

The episode follows the construction of the Pacific Railroad, the first transcontinental rail system, which would unite the eastern and western seaboards of the United States. Started in Sacramento by a consortium of local shopkeepers with no experience in building a railroad, the episode follows their efforts to build from west to east through the forbidding Sierra Nevada mountains with the help of Chinese labourers whilst simultaneously following the efforts of the workers of the Union Pacific to build from east to west, and their problems in dealing with the lawless nature of the wild west, attacks by hostile Indians, and financial corruption and scandal.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 088