
Supervolcano is a two-part docudrama centered around the fictional eruption of the volcanic caldera of Yellowstone National Park. The name of the program, “Supervolcano”, refers to the unusually explosive nature of the Yellowstone volcano. Current research indicates that the Yellowstone supervolcano has erupted several times in the past, covering much of present-day North America with ash. Scientists predict that the supervolcano will undoubtedly erupt again, and judging from the pattern, the next eruption is actually overdue.

The program, aired on both the BBC and The Discovery Channel, intersperses a storyline about a hypothetical eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano and interviews with actual scientists. It was also accompanied by a two-part factual documentary, discussing the scientific and sociological effects that would occur during and after an actual eruption.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 091

People of the Forest

You can learn a lot in 20 years–just ask Jane Goodall. She spent much of her life with the chimpanzees of Gombe in Tanzania and changed the way we see these bright, playful animals. Filmmaker Hugo von Lawick followed her progress and shares the fruits of his labor in People of the Forest, an epic look at birth, life, and death in the jungle. The individual personalities of the chimps stand out so clearly it’s sometimes a strain to remember these creatures aren’t human, and their struggles with other tribes, predators, and the forces of nature are alternately thrilling and heartbreaking. The photography is lush–with 20 years of footage to pick through, it should be–and Donald Sutherland’s narration is clear and unobtrusive. People of the Forest lends a strong sense of empathy to the viewers and leaves us with greater respect for our closest cousins.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 091

Explorers: A Century of Discovery – NG

For a century, National Geographic has participated in and chronicled many of the world’s greatest explorations – unlocking the secrets of the oceans, lifting men into the stratosphere, and mapping the very boundaries of the earth, sea and sky. Now you can relive some of the most significant expeditions in history. Follow Robert E. Peary to the North Pole…join Jane Goodall for her pioneering work with chimpanzees…climb Mount Everest on the first American ascent. Marvel at 100 years of exploration in the Society’s official centennial presentation.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 091

Antarctica – BBC Horizon

Antarctica’s polar ice sheet is the highest, coldest, windiest, driest and most unforgiving place on earth. Dry as the Sahara Desert with less than 5cm of snow a year it is also numbingly cold.

The average temperature near the South Pole is minus 49 degrees Centigrade, and winds reach over 200Km an hour.

The Ice Lives
The Ice Forms
The Ice Melts

By fmitchell61 Posted in 091

Area 51 – IMAX

A documentary about aliens and UFOs with re-enactments of alien interviews and video of a supposedly real video of an alien being interviewed by government officials.

In late 1996, a man identifying himself only as “Victor” and claiming to possess irrefutable video proof that the government has filmed actual captive living EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) at the top secret base known as Area 51, approached the Producers offering to make this remarkable footage public.

By fmitchell61 Posted in 087, 091