Edward Griffin – Seduction Of A Generation

Very prophetic filmstrip from 1969, narrated by G. Edward Griffin, about the use of ‘sensitivity training’ as a tool in social engineering.


By fmitchell61 Posted in 109

Edward Griffin – Inflation

Learn how institutions which can legally print money are artificially creating inflation every second. Those central banks are the root cause for decreasing the value of our money and also the value of our work.

If you have ever wondered what exactly inflation is, and how it’s created, then this informative video, by Edward Griffin, done back in 1969 will explain it to you. Learn how institutions which can legally print money are artificially creating inflation every second. Those central banks are the root cause for decreasing the value our money and also the value of our work.



By fmitchell61 Posted in 109

Hijacking Catastrophe – Edward Said on Orientalism

By fmitchell61 Posted in 109

Hijacking Catastrophe

The film maintains that fear of terrorism was manipulated to support goals which are in step with the PNAC; namely the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Not just for control of regional strategic resources (natural gas and oil), but to reassert American dominance on the world stage as a warning to potential adversaries. Interviews were conducted with critics such as Noam Chomsky and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jody Williams. It also interviews policy analysts, military brass, journalists, insider observations from Chief UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter and Pentagon whistleblower Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski.

The historical context of the “Bush Doctrine” is examined and compared to Wolfowitz’s PNAC philosophy. The film goes on to look at the “selling of American empire” and the possible economical, social, cultural and political implications it will have in America, and on the world if implemented further during Bush’s second term.



By fmitchell61 Posted in 109

Hidden Wars Of Desert Storm

A two-year investigation, “Hidden Wars of Desert Storm” brings answers to all of these questions, basing itself on documents never seen before on television and backed by interviews of such prominent personalities as Desert Storm Commander, General Norman Schwarzkopf, former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, former UN Iraq Program Director Denis Halliday, former UNSCOM team-leader Scott Ritter and many others. A large selection of archival footage, moving images recently brought back from Iraq, an original soundtrack scored by acclaimed composer Fritz Heede and the narration by two-time British Academy Award-winner, actor John Hurt, all contribute to making “Hidden Wars of Desert Storm” a fast-paced, informative documentary while resolutely accessible to a general audience.





By fmitchell61 Posted in 109

Holes in Heaven? – HAARP & Advances In Tesla Technology

This documentary film poses the question: Are we making Holes in Heaven? HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a controversial high frequency radio transmitter, or “ionospheric heater,” which is believed to be descended from the works of Nikola Tesla and is operated by the U.S. Navy/Air Force and Phillip Laboratories in remote Gakona, Alaska.

Using HAARP, the military can focus a billion-watt pulsed radio beam into our upper atmosphere, ostensibly for ionospheric research. This procedure will form extremely low frequency waves and send them back to the Earth, enhancing communications with submarines and allowing us to “see” into the Earth, detecting anything from oil reserves to underground missile silos.

However, several researchers claim HAARP poses many dangers, including blowing thirty-mile holes in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. They also warn of possible disruption of the subtle magnetic energies of our Earth and ourselves. Holes in Heaven? is a prime example of grassroots filmmaking by producer Paula Randol-Smith and Emmy-winning director Wendy Robbins. Narrated by Martin Sheen, the documentary, investigates HAARP, its history and implications, and examines the dangers and benefits of high and low frequencies and of electromagnetic technology.





By fmitchell61 Posted in 109

Gulag USA – Concentration Camps in America

Concentration camps in America? Feds set to toss millions of innocent Americans into gruesome factories of torture and death?… Could it be? Sounds preposterous. Yet…in this video, Texe Marrs marshals overwhelming evidence so convincing it boggles the mind. The Holy Bible of course, prophesies of unparalleled bloodshed and human suffering. In Revelation we are told that vast numbers of innocent human beings will be slaughtered, sacrificed to the beast and to his antichrist. America is not exempt. The killers who would perpetrate these new concentration camp holocausts are active today inside our borders. Indeed, they walk among us.




By fmitchell61 Posted in 109

The Torture Question – Frontline

In mid-August, a FRONTLINE documentary crew made the perilous journey to the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Entering the 280-acre compound in the middle of the night, escorted by helicopters and a convoy of armed Humvees, the crew was following 50 detainees fresh from the battlefield. As they were ordered to kneel in formation on the concrete floor, one detainee nervously asked the FRONTLINE cameraman, “Is this Abu Ghraib?” The answer brought a shudder.

Abu Ghraib has always been a terrifying place to Iraqis — Saddam Hussein used it as his primary torture chamber — but in 2004, when graphic photographs of American soldiers abusing prisoners surfaced, Abu Ghraib took on deeper meaning.

“The details of what happened in those cellblocks between the American soldiers and Iraqi detainees are well known,” says producer/director Michael Kirk, “but how and why it happened is what took us into the heart of Abu Ghraib that night.”

In “The Torture Question”, FRONTLINE traces the history of how decisions made in Washington in the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11 — including an internal administration battle over the Geneva Conventions — led to a robust interrogation policy that laid the groundwork for prisoner abuse in Afghanistan; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; and Iraq.




By fmitchell61 Posted in 109

Sex Slaves – Frontline

Twenty-one-year-old Katia (see update on her story below) left home on what she believed would be a trip to buy goods in Turkey, but instead she was sold into sexual slavery for $1,000 by the man who agreed to take her there. “He didn’t look like a person who would do something like that,” said Katia’s husband, Viorel. “He sold my wife for $1,000 because she’d given birth before, … so as merchandise she was only worth $1,000. Girls who haven’t had children are more expensive.”

In “Sex Slaves,” FRONTLINE follows Viorel on an extraordinary journey deep into the world of sex trafficking to try to find his wife, Katia, who was four months’ pregnant when she left home, and then free her from the violent pimp who now “owns” her. Along the way, the production team takes a rare, hidden-camera look at the various traffickers, pimps and middlemen who illegally buy and sell hundreds of thousands of women each year. Lured by traffickers who prey on their dreams of employment abroad, many of the women are then kidnapped and “exported” to Europe, the Middle East, the United States and elsewhere. During this process, they may be sold to pimps, locked in brothels, drugged, terrorized and raped repeatedly. In Eastern Europe, since the fall of communism, sex trafficking has become the fastest growing form of organized crime, with Moldova and Ukraine widely seen as major suppliers of women into the global sex trade.




By fmitchell61 Posted in 109

The Fluoride Deception

Hailed as a harmless chemical that would prevent tooth decay, new evidence shows how fluoride could be linked to serious health problems.

Fluoridation was first advanced in the US at the end of the second World War. Proponents argued that fluoride in water and toothpaste would help to protect teeth and prevent decay. Over the following decades, fluoride was added to public water supplies across the country.

While the benefits of fluoridation have been held to be unquestionable, accumulating evidence points to a frightening prospect: that fluoride may have serious adverse health effects, including infant mortality, congenital defects and IQ.

Now a new book, titled “The Fluoride Deception” by Christopher Bryson examines the background of the fluoridation debate. According to Bryson, research challenging fluoride’s safety was either suppressed or not conducted in the first place. He says fluoridation is a triumph not of medical science but of US government spin.





By fmitchell61 Posted in 109