What is Fascism

“WHAT IS FASCISM?” blows the lid off of …

* The U.S. government committing genocide in the U.S. and all over the world.
* The FBI’s Counter Intelligence Program used to defame and KILL civil rights figures.
* The government’s role in Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma City, and 9/11.
* Shocking video of the growing police state– including military police violating the 4th amendment.
* The plan to inject a microchip into every single human being (What the Bible calls “the Mark of the Beast”).

A movie by IrateCinemaUnderground



By fmitchell61 Posted in 114

The Sphinx Unmasked

It is the largest free standing sculpture ever carved from a single block; an icon recognised around the globe. The Sphinx, a lion with the face of a mighty pharaoh, towers twenty metres high and stretches seventy metres long. It is a silent witness to thousands of years of history. For over 4,500 years it has stood guard in front of the Giza Pyramids, yet it remains one of history’s most enigmatic mysteries.

Based in Cairo, top Egyptologist Dr Vassil Dobrev has spent over twenty years researching the Sphinx, and has a theory that proposes a completely new and previously unrecognised pharaoh as the builder of the Sphinx. His name was Djedefre, and according to Dobrev’s pioneering research, he was the true driving force behind some of the most remarkable structures in all of ancient Egypt. Continue reading

By fmitchell61 Posted in 114

Ancient World: The Bible’s Greatest Secrets – HC

In the Holy Land today dozens of specialized archaeologists and their teams diligently sift through the sands of history.

Their quest is a sizeable one: to unlock the mysteries of vanished civilizations and the people who built them. What are the origins of this special discipline known as “Biblical archaeology”? And what enthralling secrets of the scriptures have these scientists discovered? Journey through the portals of time with some of the greatest excavators in history: from the eccentric Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie, who willed that his head be removed and preserved after his death, to the husband-and-wife team of Eric and Carol Meyers.

In another revolutionary program from the MYSTERIES OF THE BIBLE series, voyage with these extraordinary archaeologists as they search for crucial clues to some of history’s most enduring questions.


By fmitchell61 Posted in 114

Engineering an Empire – Greece: Age of Alexander

In 438 BC the Parthenon was completed. This masterpiece is the crowning achievement for the Greek people. Without Alexander the Great, it is possible Greece’s Golden Era would have been just a footnote in history. Tens of thousands would die during Alexander’s relentless attacks on Persia and Egypt, yet, his armies carried Greek life, culture and values far abroad and this empire became known as the “Hellenistic” world. Greece’s amazing engineering achievements and ideas are still with us today.



By fmitchell61 Posted in 114

Engineering an Empire – Carthage

Carthage, a remarkable city-state that dominated the Mediterranean for over 600 years, harnessed their extensive resources to develop some of the ancient world’s most groundbreaking technology. For generations, Carthage defined power, strength and ingenuity, but by the third century B.C., the empire’s existence was threatened by another emerging superpower, Rome. However, when the Romans engineered their empire, they were only following the lead of the Carthaginians. From the city’s grand harbor to the rise of one of history’s greatest generals, Hannibal Barca, we will examine the architecture and infrastructure that enabled the rise and fall of the Carthaginian Empire.




By fmitchell61 Posted in 114

Engineering an Empire – Aztecs

The story of the Aztec empire is one wrapped in myth and legend. In less than 200 years they transformed themselves from a band of wandering nomads to the greatest civilization the New World had ever known. What records remain of this amazing feat indicate they did it through brilliant military campaigns and by ingeniously applying technology to master the harsh environment they faced. They built their capital city where no city should have been possible: in the middle of a lake. They quickly transformed marshes into rich agricultural land surrounding an urban center that rivaled any city in the world at the time. They called it Tenochtitlan. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived there in 1519, and saw its gleaming pyramids, temples and places, grand canals filled with boats, enormous causeways crossing miles of lake from the mainland with aqueducts bringing fresh running water to the massive city, they actually thought they were dreaming. Continue reading

By fmitchell61 Posted in 114

Cleopatra’s Palace – Discovery

Cleopatra’s Palace and the ancient Egyptian wonders of Alexandria are now on display — only in this exclusive video. You’re there as an historic underwater expedition explores the sunken lost city where the Queen of the Nile walked, talked and created a legend. Never-before-seen footage offers a stunning glimpse of the temples and palaces that slipped into the sea around the fourth century. Continue reading

Human Instinct – BBC

In Human Instinct, Professor Robert Winston provides a unique insight into what it is that makes us human. And it is the story of our extraordinary instincts and why we behave the way we do and what other animals reveal about our most basic drives. With intriguing experiments and secret filming he uncovers the surprising science of sex. And helps us understand why one human being could lay down their life for another. In exploring survival, sex, competition and self-sacrifice, Professor Winston takes viewers on a journey of discovery into human behaviour, to look at ourselves in an entirely new way. He believes the series is not science for scientists – it is about trying to translate complex ideas into something easily accessible for all. He thinks the whole area of evolutionary psychology has been largely overlooked but thinks it’s fascinating. According to Winston we all carry a prehistoric baggage around with us and don’t have full control over it.

Programme 1 – Born to Survive
A Baby’s Cry
A Question of Taste
The Feeling of Fear
A Gambling Instinct

Programme 2 – Deepest Desires
The Perfect Date
A Match Made in Heaven
Love Rats

Programme 3 – Will to Win
The Joy of Victory
A Constant Battle
Sizing up the Opposition
The Agony of Defeat

Programme 4 – Natural Born Heroes
Blood Ties
Fast Friends
Natural Born Heroes



By fmitchell61 Posted in 114, 185

The Suns of God and the Christ Conspiracy

Acharya S is a scholar classically educated in archaeology, history, mythology and languages. Acharya specializes in religion and mythology, critiquing and comparing them, and providing unique insights into their origins. Although born into a Christian (Congregationalist Protestant) family, Acharya does not subscribe to any particular religion, nor is she a hardcore “atheist.”

Acharya is the author of the controversial books “The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold”; “Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled”; “Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ”; and “Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection.” Among other less flattering things, Acharya S has been called “the ranking religious philosopher of our era” and “the voice of reason amidst global chaos.” Her web site contains a wealth of information about: religion spirituality mythology archaeology history astrotheology archaeoastronomy …



By fmitchell61 Posted in 114

Dinosaur Planet – Alpha’s Egg

Dinosaur Planet is a four-part American nature documentary first aired on Discovery Channel in 2003. It was hosted by Scott Sampson and narrated by Christian Slater.
Dinosaur Planet depicts dinosaurs living in various parts of the world (Asia, North America, South America and Europe) 80 milion years ago, using CGI (just like Discovery Channel’s earlier When Dinosaurs Roamed America and BBC’s Walking with Dinosaurs). In actuality, a good part of the dinosaurs were designed by Mark Dubeau, who was the art director and primary creature designer on the aforementioned “When Dinosaurs Roamed America”.




By fmitchell61 Posted in 093, 114