Egypt: Secrets of the Pharaohs

Who’s buried in Khufu’s tomb? Find out in National Geographic’s Egypt: Secrets of the Pharaohs, a wide-ranging look at the rituals and relics of one of the first monumental civilizations. Watch as one team of archaeologists braves the arid plains to investigate the construction of the great pyramids. Back in the lab, a group of medical archaeologists try to re-create the ancient Egyptian process of mummification step by step in a macabre sequence that vividly portrays the first steps toward immortality. Finally, venture deep into Pharaoh Khufu’s tomb as one of the strangest treasures of all is unearthed: a complete ship destined to carry him through the Land of the Dead. A National Geographic map of the Nile Valley accompanies the video and is both helpful for reference while viewing and a valuable resource in its own right.

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Queen Who would be King – Discovery

Hatshepsut ruled in her husband’s stead for seven years after his death. When her son, Tuthmosis III, came of age, Hatshepsut refused to step aside. She continued her rule as one of the most powerful pharaohs of all time. Until modern discoveries were made, both her son and patriarchal society successfully conspired to hide her name and achievements from future generations. With dramatic re-enactments and art works, the story of Hatshepsut is told.

Lost Treasures of the Ancient World – Empires in the Americas

This fascinating program highlights the amazing parallels between the two great American societies of the Aztecs and the Incas – two nations doomed to violent destruction. With magnificent animated re-creations of mysterious lost cities such as Tenochtitlán and Machu Picchu, these are stories of two wealthy, sun-worshipping civilizations that both fell prey to the Spanish conquistadors of the sixteenth century. Features superb 3D graphics, State-of-the-art computer generated animation, all new location footage, and expert commentary and analyses.

King of the Pyramids – Discovery

This episode focuses on Sneferu whose name is not widely recognized, but whose contribution to Egyptian and world culture is the most lasting since Sneferu is the pharaoh who gave the world the pyramids. Host and Egyptologist Bob Brier leads the viewer on a study of his great architectural achievements, and the obstacles that had to be overcome to build them. The secrets of their construction and symbolism are discussed, and an on-site visit takes the viewer inside one of Sneferu’s pyramids to explore its history-shaking concepts.

Journeys to the Ends of the Earth Libya The Ancient Chariots of Libya

A vast desert country veiled from the East by fear, prejudice and misunderstanding. Adams follows in the wheel tracks of Ancient Rome’s “chariots of fire” – the first wheeled vehicles to explore the Sahara and discover a little-known land of exotic brilliance, ancient cities and forbidding deserts.

Journeys to the Ends of the Earth Lost World of the Khmer Rouge

It takes courage to travel to the harshest places on Earth and come back with pictures so good they’re printed in 25 countries around the world. It takes vision to turn a passion for travel into a brilliant travel/adventure TV show, and that’s what David Adams has done with Journeys to the Ends of the Earth.

The Cardamom Mountains in Cambodia are how Asia used to be. A surviving pocket of intact wildlife & wilderness that’s been untouched by history. And not just any history. It’s survived Year Zero. Pol Pot. The Killing Fields. History at its most vicious. David Adams enters this lost world in search of the khting vor, a mysterious snake-eating animal known as the “Cambodian unicorn” which was until recently believed to be extinct. On his journey he runs the gauntlet of renegade bands of the Khmer Rouge and Mekong River pirates, goes trapping tigers and discovers the jungle-choked remains of what was once the biggest city on Earth.

Minotaur’s Island

Around 5,000 years ago the Greek island of Crete was home to one of the world’s most intriguing and amazing civilisations. Yet for all their might and culture, the Minoans are still best-known for the tale of the Minotaur, a fearsome creature who lived in a labyrinth beneath the grand Palace of Knossos.

In this documentary famed historian Bettany Hughes steps back in time to explore the Minoan culture, and the features which allowed them to prosper so long ago. How did they build such magnificent palaces, with hinged doors and flushed toilets? And what significance do their mysterious bull-leapers have? Hughes revisits old archaeology to find out all this, and the Minoans’ tragic demise.

Earth under Fire

“In Earth Under Fire LaViolette puts a new but highly informed spin on the troubled question of what provoked the meltdown of the last Ice Age and the ensuing cataclysm.” – John Anthony West, Author of Mystery of the Sphinx.
In Earth Under Fire you will learn that the myths passed down through the ages are not just simple stories or legends, but perhaps windows into the fate of our planet. What was the cause of the sudden demise of the ice age mammals?

Are the twelve zodiacal constellations actually a sophisticated astronomical system? Do cosmic rays from the core of our Galaxy periodically trigger major shifts in the Earth’s climate? These questions and others are answered by Dr. Paul LaViolette, author of the book Earth Under Fire.

This film tackles the idea that there may be disasters from space that have shaped our past and will affect our future.

Egyptian Book of the Dead

The film represents a journey to ancient Egypt, from immersion in its culture, rituals and mythology. Shed light on what is called the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Created by the ancient Egyptian priests, the book describes the mummification and subsequent rituals associated with representations of priests on the journey of the soul in the afterlife.

Crossing the Bridge The Sound of Istanbul

It’s not the expected thing for a documentary on Turkish music to open with a quote from Confucius, but that is not the only fascinating surprise that Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul has to offer. The latest film by Fatih Akin, who directed the exceptional Head-On, turns out to be a Bosporus-based Buena Vista Social Club with cultural commentary thrown into the mix. When Confucius said that to understand a people’s culture you have to understand its music, he might have had a film like this in mind.

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