When the Moors Ruled in Europe

When The Moors Ruled In Europe is a documentary movie presented by the English historian Bettany Hughes. It is a two-part series on the contribution the Moors made to Europe during their 700-year reign in Spain and Portugal ending in the 15th century. It was first broadcast on Channel 4 Saturday 5 November 2005.[1] and was filmed in the Spanish region of Andalucía, mostly in the cities of Granada and Cordoba.

The era ended with the Reconquista during which the Cathoic authorities burnt over 1,000,000 arabic texts.[2]

The film notes the contribution of Abd-ar-Rahman III.

Bettany claims that avocados were brought to Al Andalus by the moors.




Muslim Spain

This video documentary presents the Muslim history of Spain. Muslim Spain held the banner of civilization when Europe had fallen into darkness. For more than three centuries, Cordoba was the most advanced city in Europe. William Durant, an American historian, wrote that Islamic Spain was an honor to mankind. Muslims ruled Spain for 750 years starting from 711 CE. Granada was the last Muslim kingdom which was conquered by Queen Isabella in 1492 CE. The Alhambra palace in Granada, the Giralda Tower in Seville, and the La Mesquita (Cathedral) in Cordoba, and Falmingo music are reminders of the enchanting Muslim civilization in Spain.

The knowledge of science, medicine, arts, construction, astronomy, literature, and agriculture were transmitted from Muslim Spain to Europe. However, this great civilization became a victim of the Spanish Inquisition.



By fmitchell61 Posted in 150

Black Hawk Down

Black Hawk Down is a 2001 American drama war film depicting the Battle of Mogadishu, a raid integral to the United States’ effort to capture Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid. The film is based on the book of the same name by Mark Bowden, which chronicles the events of the battle. It was co-produced and directed by Ridley Scott, the director of Gladiator (2000). The film features a large ensemble cast, including Josh Hartnett, Eric Bana, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore, William Fichtner and Sam Shepard. The film won two Oscars for Best Film Editing and Best Sound at the 74th Academy Awards. The film was received positively by mainstream critics but was not as warmly received by Somali nationals.




By fmitchell61 Posted in 150

Islamic History of Europe – BBC

Rageh Omaar visits Spain, Sicily and France to discover the history of Islam in Europe.



What the Ancients Did for Us

What the Ancients Did for Us is a 2005 BBC documentary series presented by Adam Hart-Davis that examines the impact of ancient civilizations on modern society.

Step back in time to discover how the world was shaped by the ancient Chinese, the Mesopotamians, the Arabs and even the Ancient Britons. Adam Hart-Davis presents an epic history of ancient inventions and is joined by his team of roving reporters on the move around the globe as they delve into the beginnings of civilization.

What The Ancients Did For Us 1of9 – The Islamic World
What The Ancients Did For Us 2of9 – The Chinese
What The Ancients Did For Us 3of9 – The Aztecs and Incas
What The Ancients Did For Us 4of9 – The Romans
What The Ancients Did For Us 5of9 – The Indians
What The Ancients Did For Us 6of9 – The Mesopotamians
What The Ancients Did For Us 7of9 – The Egyptians
What The Ancients Did For Us 8of9 – The Greeks
What The Ancients Did For Us 9of9 – The Britons



Muhammad The Last Prophet

Its being called the first animated film by Muslims to premiere in North America. ‘Muhammad: The Last Prophet’ aims to tell the story of Islam to a new generation of Muslims here and give Westerners a more positive depiction of the Middle East than the one they get on their nightly news.


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