DNA Mysteries The Search for Adam – NG

“Where did we all come from? Could we all be descendants of Adam?”

And if he existed, who was he, where did he live and what did he look like? It is a mystery that intrigues us all and questions like these have been asked time and time again but nobody has got close to the answer – until now. Spencer Wells, a leading geneticist and National Geographic Explorer-In-Residence, is setting out on a quest to discover if there was an “Adam” from whom all humans are descended.

Wells uses the latest in DNA testing technology to take us on an extraordinary journey across the globe as he traces humanity’s family tree. As we travel through humanity’s genetic past we’ll encounter longstanding mysteries which today’s DNA tools can finally solve. As Spencer Wells follows the Y-chromosomes backwards through the generations, the branches of man’s family tree begin to coalesce into a single trunk, pointing to a single Adam. But now that we have found him, what did he look like and how did he live? DNA Mystery: The Search for Adam sets out to find the answers.


The Brain Our Universe Within – Discovery

Complex and deeply mysterious, the human brain is an odyssey unto itself. Take this journey into the inner workings of the mind with the guidance of scientist Dr. David Suzuki, the host of this riveting Discovery Channel documentary. This series explores the way the brain evolves from birth to adulthood; how memory works; how humans recover from brain injury; and the origins of creativity and identity.

Part 1: Evolution
Part 2: Memory
Part 3: The Miraculous Mind
Part 4: Matter over Mind





Brain Stormers – Discovery

Explore the new technology helping doctors and scientists understand how the brain works. Is there a connection between creativity and mental illness? What are the differences between men’s and women’s brains? How much brain do we really need?


Derren Brown Inside Your Mind

Derren Brown is a new and unique force in the world of magic and illusion – he can seemingly predict and control human behaviour. Whether he’s convincing a medical student to push a needle through his own flesh, scamming a London casino, touching table dancers without going near them, or making a bookie pay out on a losing ticket… Derren’s unparalleled performances will amaze and unsettle you.

He doesn’t claim to be a mind-reader, instead he describes his craft as a mixture of psychology, misdirection and showmanship. Derren is even prepared to share some of his techniques with you. So, sit back, turn down the lights, and open your mind to this extraordinary man.



Art of War

All warfare is based on deception. Therefore, when capable of attacking, feign incapacity; when active in moving troops, feign inactivity. When near the enemy, make it seem that you are far away; when far away, make it seem that you are near. – Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu was the Nostradamus of warfare and his book Art of War, written 2,400 years ago, is still the ultimate how-to guide for winning at war. This two-hour special from HISTORYTM weaves together the epic story of Sun Tzu himself, and relives a war in which his tactics posthumously saved a city from defeat a victory at war that paved the way toward the unification of China. Art of War is an emotional, epic and ultimately visual understanding of Sun Tzu s lessons, telling the story of other great battles in history, from Rome to the Civil War, WWII, and present day, that help to illustrate that on the battlefields of war, people who understand strategy are the most dangerous weapons of all.



By fmitchell61 Posted in 183

Al-Ghazali The Alchemist of Happiness

Exploring the life and impact of the greatest spiritual and legal philosopher in Islamic history, this film examines Ghazali’s existential crisis of faith that arose from his rejection of religious dogmatism, and reveals profound parallels with our own times. Ghazali became known as the Proof of Islam and his path of love and spiritual excellence overcame the pitfalls of the organised religion of his day. His path was largely abandoned by early 20th century Muslim reformers for the more strident and less tolerant school of Ibn Taymiyya. Combining drama with documentary, this film argues that Ghazali’s Islam is the antidote for today’s terror.



By fmitchell61 Posted in 183

Secrets of the Mind – NOVA

Ever been told “it’s all in your head”? Just how true is that statement? This provocative “Nova” documentary explores four puzzling case studies involving the mysteries of brain science. Join pioneering scientist V.S. Ramachandran as he investigates one person’s phantom limb pain, another’s messianic identity crisis, a young man’s certainty his parents are impostors, and the baffling conundrum of a blind man with the power of vision.

